This guide will provide you with all the necessary information about uploading your invoices to an FTP server.
Upload to Cloud feature is only available for the Advanced and Enterprise subscriptions.
Uploading to an FTP server is also available for Drafts, Packing Slips, Return Labels, and Shipping Labels.
Please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Log in to your Shopify account.
Step 2: Click on the “Apps” section of your Shopify store and click on Easy Invoice+. Easy Invoice+ will automatically redirect you to the app dashboard.
Step 3: Click on the “Design” on the left side panel of the Easy Invoice+ and select the Invoice.
Step 4: Click on the FTP File Upload.
Step 5: Complete the setup by adding the necessary information in order to connect an FTP server
The necessary fields are;
- Automatic Upload Options: You can choose how your invoices upload. There are four options you can choose from. The automatic upload options are;
- Disabled: As default, Automatic Upload is set to Disabled.
- Auto On Order: As soon as your customers place an order on your site, the invoice will be uploaded.
- Auto On Payment: As soon as your customers make a payment, the invoice will be uploaded.
- Auto On Fulfillment: As soon as you fulfill your order, the invoice will be uploaded.
- Hostname: The IP address of the FTP server.
- Port: The Port information of the IP address.
- Path: Path/location for the uploaded invoices.
- Username: Username for the Authentication
- Password: Password for the Authentication
- Filename: Filename for the uploaded invoices. By default, the filename is set to invoice_{{}} which is the order name of the Shopify order.
If you wish to change the name to invoice name/custom invoice number, please set the filename to invoice_{{order.custom_invoice_name}}. - Override File Name: This option is used for uploading an edited version of the invoice while keeping the original one. The edited invoice is always overwritten by the new one. You can add a prefix or suffix to the filename in order to upload the edited invoice file. For example; you can add the filename as invoice_{{}}_editted, in this way, all the editions of the same invoice are uploaded with this filename while the original invoice is not overwritten with the edited one.
If you keep this field empty, this option/feature will not work.
Step 6: After making the necessary changes, click on the Save Changes button in the top right corner.
If you have further questions, please go to the “Support” section on your app dashboard and then create a ticket or just click here to send us an email about your question.
We are always happy to help.